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  1. Nelson P. Barrera


  3. Work Address:      Department of Physiology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Alameda 340, Santiago, Chile
  4. Phone:                  +56-2-3542872
  5. Nationality:           Chilean
  6. Date of birth:        12th April 1974
  7. E-mail:                   nbarrera@bio.puc.cl
  8. E-mail2:                 barreranp@gmail.com
  9. Web:                      http://www.nelsonbarrera.cl
  10. Web2:                    http://biologia.uc.cl/es/cuerpo-academico/profesor/6


  12. 3/1999-1/2004     PhD. in Physiology. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  13. 1/2000-2/2000     Visiting PhD student. The Zanvyl Krieger Mind Brain Institute. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.
  14. 3/1999-12/1999   Visiting PhD student. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  15. 3/1997-3/1999     MSc. in Biochemistry. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  16. 3/1992-3/1997     BSc. in Biochemistry. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.


  18. 2/2011-9/2011 Visiting Professor. Department of Chemistry. University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
  19. 9/2009-present Assistant Professor. Department of Physiology. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  20. 3/2007-8/2009 Postdoctoral Research Associate. Department of Chemistry. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
  21. 1/2005-8/2009 Junior Member of The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
  22. 3/2004-2/2007 Postdoctoral Research Associate. Department of Pharmacology. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.


  24. 1. Grant from the University of Cambridge for outstanding scientific contribution, 2008.
  25. 2. Grant from The Royal Society to attend The Gordon Research Conference: Single molecule approaches to biology, New London, USA, 2008.
  26. 3. Grant from The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences to participate on the 'Effective Computational Methods for Highly Oscillatory Problems:
  27.     The Interplay between Mathematical Theory and Applications' workshop, Cambridge, UK, 2007.
  28. 4. Graduate Travel Grant from American Physical Society for participation in the 'Opportunities in biology for physicists' congress, Boston, USA, 2002.
  29. 5. Graduate Travel Grant from UNESCO / Latin-American Center of Biological Sciences for participation in the 'Transport of ions through cellular membranes:
  30.     structure and function' course, Venezuela, 2001.
  31. 6. Graduate Scholarship from FONDAP in Biomedicine for participation in the 'Signal transduction pathways' workshop, Chile, 2001.
  32. 7. Graduate Scholarship from the Chilean Committee for Sciences and Technology, for PhD. program. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1999-2003.
  33. 8. Graduate Scholarship from the Research and Graduate Direction of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, for MSc. in Biochemistry, 1998-1999.
  34. 9. Undergraduate Scholarship from the Minister of Education, for BSc. in Biochemistry. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1992-1997.
  35. 10. Undergraduate Scholarship from the President of Chile for The Best Graduation Score in high school students in Chile, for BSc. in Biochemistry.
  36.       Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1992-1997
  37. 11. Luis Cruz Martinez Prize from President of Chile for The Best Graduation Score in high school students in Chile, for BSc. in Biochemistry.
  38.       Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 1992.

  39. PUBLICATIONS (§ Corresponding author, * Equal contribution)

  40. 1. Camilo Navarrete, Nelson P. Barrera and Juan P. Huidobro-Toro. (2014). Vas deferens neuro-effector junction: from kymographic tracings to structural biology principles.
  41.     Auton. Neurosci. Oct;185:8-28.
  42. 2. Mariana Rios, Daniela V. Carreño, Carolina Oses, Nelson P. Barrera, Bredford Kerr and Manuel Villalon. (2014). Physiological low levels of prostaglandins E2 and F2α
  43.     improved human sperm functions. Reprod. Fert. Develop. Aug 13. doi: 10.1071/RD14035. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:25123052.
  44. 3. Pamela A. Naulin, Natalia Alveal, Nelson P. Barrera§.. (2014). Towards Atomic Force Microscopy and Mass Spectrometry to visualize and identify lipid rafts in
  45.     Plasmodesmata. Front. Plant Sci. 5:234. doi:10.3389/fpls.2014.00234.
  46. 4. Nelson P. Barrera§, Min Zhou and Carol V. Robinson. (2013). The role of lipids in defining membrane protein interactions: insights from mass spectrometry.
  47. Trends Cell Biol. 23(1):1-8.
  48. 5. Dilshan Balasuriya, Tom A. Goetze, Nelson P. Barrera, Andrew P. Stewart, Yuki Suzuki and Michael Edwardson. (2013). α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole Propionic Acid
  49.     AMPA) and N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) Receptors Adopt Different Subunit Arrangements. J. Biol. Chem. 288(30):21987-21998.
  50. 6. Nina Morgner, Felipe Montenegro, Nelson P. Barrera and Carol V. Robinson. (2012). Mass spectrometry-from peripheral proteins to membrane motors. J. Mol. Biol. 423(1):1-13.
  51. 7. Min Zhou*, Nina Morgner*, Nelson P. Barrera*, Argyris Politis, Shoshanna C. Isaacson, Dijana Matak-Vinković, Takeshi Murata, Ricardo A. Bernal, Daniela Stock and
  52.     Carol V. Robinson. (2011). Mass spectrometry of intact V-type ATPases reveals bound lipids and the effects of nucleotide binding. Science. 334:380-385. Highlighted in:
  53.     • Science Perspectives
  54. 8. Stewart M. Carnally, J. Michael Edwardson and Nelson P. Barrera§. (2011). Imaging the Spatial Orientation of Subunits Within Membrane Receptors by Atomic Force Microscopy.
  55.     Methods Mol. Biol. 736:47-60.
  56. 9. Nelson P. Barrera§ and Carol V. Robinson. (2011). Advances in the Mass Spectrometry of Membrane Proteins: From Individual Proteins To Intact Complexes.
  57.     Ann. Rev. Biochem. 80:247-271.
  58. 10. Thamarai K. Janganan, Vassiliy N. Bavro, Li Zhang, Dijana Matak-Vinkovic, Nelson P. Barrera, Catherine Venien-Bryan, Carol V. Robinson, Maria Inês Borges-Walmsley and
  59.       Adrian R. Walmsley.(2011).Evidence for the assembly of a bacterial tripartite multidrug pump with a stoichiometry of 3:6:3. J. Biol. Chem. 286:26900-26912.
  60. 11. Thamarai K. Janganan, Li Zhang, Vassiliy N. Bavro, Dijana Matak-Vinkovic, Nelson P. Barrera, Matthew F. Burton, Patrick G. Steel, Carol V. Robinson, Maria Inês Borges-Walmsley
  61.       and Adrian R. Walmsley. (2011). Opening of the outer membrane protein channel in tripartite efflux pumps is induced by interaction with the membrane fusion partner.
  62.       J. Biol. Chem. 286:5484-5493.
  63. 12. Sheila C. Wang, Argyris Politis, Natalie Di Bartolo, Vassiliy N. Bavro, Stephen J. Tucker, Paula J. Booth, Nelson P. Barrera§ and Carol V. Robinson. (2010). Ion mobility mass
  64.       spectrometry of two tetrameric membrane protein complexes reveals compact structures and differences in stability and packing. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132:15468-70.
  65. 13. Justin L. Benesch, Brandon T. Ruotolo, Douglas A. Simmons, Nelson P. Barrera, Nina Morgner, Luchun Wang, Helen R. Saibil and Carol V. Robinson. (2010). Separating
  66.       and visualising protein assemblies by means of preparative mass spectrometry and microscopy. J. Struct. Biol. 172:161-168.
  67. 14. Alejandra Arias-Cavieres, Carlos Rozas, Miguel Reyes-Parada, Nelson P. Barrera, Floria Pancetti, Sebastian Loyola, Ramon A. Lorca R, Marc L. Zeise and Bernardo Morales.
  68.       (2010). MDMA ("ecstasy") impairs learning in the Morris Water Maze and reduces hippocampal LTP in young rats. Neurosci. Lett. 469: 375-379.
  69. 15. Nelson P. Barrera, Shoshanna C. Isaacson, Min Zhou, Vassiliy N. Bavro, Alex Welch, Theresia A. Schaedler, Markus A. Seeger, Ricardo Núñez Miguel, Vladimir M. Korkhov,
  70.       Hendrik W. van Veen, Henrietta Venter, Adrian R. Walmsley, Christopher G. Tate and Carol V. Robinson. (2009). Mass spectrometry of membrane transporters reveals subunit
  71.       stoichiometry and interactions. Nature Methods. 6:585-587.
  72. 16. Saroj Velamakanni, Calvin H. F. Lau, Daniel A. P. Gutmann, Henrietta Venter, Nelson P. Barrera, Markus A. Seeger, Barbara Woebking, Dijana Matak-Vinkovic, Lekshmy
  73.       Balakrishnan, Yao Yao, Edmond C. Y. U, Richard A. Shilling, Carol V. Robinson, Peter Thorn, Hendrik W. van Veen. (2009). An ABC multidrug transporter with a taste for salt.
  74.       PLoS One. 4:e6137-6145.
  75. 17. Hong Ting Lin*, Vassiliy N. Bavro*, Nelson P. Barrera*, Helen M. Frankish, Carol V. Robinson, M. Ines Borges-Walmsley and Adrian R. Walmsley. (2009). The MacB ABC
  76.       transporter is a dimer whose ATPase activity and macrolide-binding capacity are regulated by the membrane fusion protein MacA. J. Biol. Chem. 284:1145-1154.
  77. 18. Nelson P. Barrera and J. Michael Edwardson. (2008). The subunit arrangement and assembly of ionotropic receptors. Trends Neurosci. 31:569-576.
  78. 19. Nelson P. Barrera, Natalie Di Bartolo, Paula Booths and Carol V. Robinson. (2008). Micelles protect membrane complexes from solution to vacuum. Science. 321:243-246.
  79.        Highlighted in:
  80.       • ScienceExpress (highlighted as paper of the week)
  81.       • Nature Methods (http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v5/n8/full/nmeth0808-664.html)
  82.       • Analytical Chemistry (http://pubs.acs.org/journals/ancham/news/2008/08/21/jg_news.html)
  83.       • Chemistry & Engineering News (http://pubs.acs.org/cen/news/86/i24/8624notw4.html)
  84.       • Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News(http://www.genengnews.com/news/bnitem.aspx?name=37090193&chid=1&taxid=0)
  85.       • ProteoMonitor (http://www.genomeweb.com/proteomics/uk-researchers-develop-method-keepmembrane-protein-complexes-intact)
  86.       • BBSRC webpage (http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/media/news/2008/080612_structural_biology.html)
  87. 20. Nelson P. Barrera, Robert M. Henderson and J. Michael Edwardson (2008). Determination of the architecture of ionotropic receptors using AFM imaging. Pflugers Arch. 456:199-209.
  88. 21. Victor Shahin and Nelson P. Barrera§. (2008). Application of atomic force microscopy in cell biology. Int. Rev. Cytol. 265:227-252. (cover of the issue)
  89. 22. Nelson P. Barrera, Jill Betts, Haitao You, Robert M. Henderson, Ian L. Martin, Susan M. J. Dunn, and J. Michael Edwardson. (2008). Atomic force microscopy reveals
  90.       the stoichiometry and subunit arrangement of the α4β3δ GABAA receptor. Mol. Pharmacol. 73:960-967.
  91. 23. Stewart M. Carnally, Harveer S. Dev, Andrew P. Stewart, Nelson P. Barrera, Laurent Schild, Robert M. Henderson and J. Michael Edwardson. (2008). AFM imaging reveals the trimeric
  92.       structure of the ASIC1a channel. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 372:752-755.
  93. 24. Nelson P. Barrera§, Haifang Ge, Robert M. Henderson, William J. Fitzgerald and J. Michael Edwardson (2008). Automated analysis of the architecture of receptors, imaged by
  94.       atomic force microscopy. Micron. 39:101-110.
  95. 25. Nelson P. Barrera§, Bernardo Morales and Manuel Villalón (2007). ATP and adenosine trigger the interaction of plasma membrane IP3 receptors with protein kinase A in oviductal
  96.       ciliated cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 364:815-821.
  97. 26. Nelson P. Barrera, Robert M. Henderson, Ruth D. Murrell-Lagnado and J. Michael Edwardson. (2007). The stoichiometry of P2X2/6 receptor heteromers depends on relative
  98.       subunit expression levels. Biophys. J. 93:505-512.
  99. 27. Nelson P. Barrera, Yasin Shaifta, Ian McFadzean, Jeremy P.T Ward, Robert M. Henderson and J. Michael Edwardson. (2007) AFM imaging reveals the tetrameric structure of the
  100.       TRPC1 channel. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 358:1086-1090.
  101. 28. Nelson P. Barrera§, Bernardo Morales and Manuel Villalón. (2007). Reciprocal synergism at early stages of transduction pathways allows efficient cell signaling. In New Research
  102.       on Signal Transduction. B.R. Yanson Ed. New York. NovaScience Publishers. Pp 79-92.
  103. 29. Nelson P. Barrera, Manuel Galea, Soledad Torres and Manuel Villalón. (2006). Class of skewdistributions: theory and applications in biology. Statistics. 40:365-375.
  104. 30. Haifang Ge*§, Nelson P. Barrera*§, Robert M. Henderson, William J. Fitzgerald and J. Michael Edwardson (2006). Automated analysis of populations of ionotropic receptors, imaged
  105.       by atomic force microscopy. Tech Report CUED/F-INFENG/TR 557.
  106. 31. Susan J. Ormond, Nelson P. Barrera, Omar S. Qureshi, Robert M. Henderson, J. Michael Edwardson and Ruth D. Murrell-Lagnado. (2006). An uncharged region within the N-terminus
  107.       of the P2X6 receptor inhibits its assembly and exit from the endoplasmic reticulum. Mol. Pharmacol. 69:1692-1700.
  108. 32. Nelson P. Barrera, Paul Herbert, Robert Henderson, Ian Martin and Michael Edwardson. (2005). Atomic force microscopy reveals the stoichiometry and subunit arrangement of
  109.       5-HT3 receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 102:12595-12600.
  110. 33. Nelson P. Barrera§, Bernardo Morales, Soledad Torres and Manuel Villalón. (2005). Principles: Mechanisms and modeling of synergism in cellular responses.
  111.       Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 26:526-532.
  112. 34. Nelson P. Barrera, Susan J. Ormond, Robert M. Henderson, Ruth D. Murrell-Lagnado and J. Michael Edwardson. (2005). AFM demonstrates that P2X2 receptors are trimers,
  113.       but that P2X6 receptor subunits do not oligomerize. J. Biol. Chem. 280:10759-10765.
  114. 35. Nelson P. Barrera§, Soledad Torres, Bernardo Morales and Manuel Villalón. (2004). Prediction of synergism on frequency of responses in the attojoule range.
  115.       Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 6:1806-1814.
  116. 36. Nelson P. Barrera, Bernardo Morales and Manuel Villalón. (2004). Plasma and intracellular membrane inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors mediate the Ca(2+) increase
  117.       associated with the ATP-induced increase in ciliary beat frequency. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 287:C1114-C1124.
  118. 37. Marcela Hermoso, Nelson P. Barrera, Bernardo Morales, Silvina Pérez and Manuel Villalón. (2001). Platelet Activating Factor increases ciliary activity in hamster oviduct through
  119.       epithelial production of Prostaglandin E2. Pflugers Arch. 442:336-345.
  120. 38. Bernardo Morales, Nelson P. Barrera, Pablo Uribe, Claudio Mora and Manuel Villalón. (2000). Functional cross-talk after activation of P2 and P1 receptors in oviductal ciliated
  121.       cells. Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 279:C658-C669.

  122. PATENTS

  123. Detection of membrane protein-therapeutic agent complexes by mass spectrometry (2012). Professor Carol Robinson, Dr. Sheila Wang and Dr. Nelson P. Barrera. WO2012172378.


  125. 1. Radio Interview at the University of Chile radio station, 12th May 2014, 'Outreach activities of the NuBEs Millennium Nucleus in extreme regions of Chile, Arica and Punta Arenas'
  126. 2. TV Interview at AricaTV station, 29th October 2013, 'Outreach activities of the NuBEs Millennium Nucleus in the Jovina Naranjo High School in Arica'
  127. 3. Interview from the International Liaisons Department of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile about the First Chilean Symposium on Structural Biology organized in
  128.     Santiago, Chile. Sponsor Millenium Science Initiative, 11th April 2013
  129. 4. Radio Interview at the University of Chile radio station, 4th June 2012, 'Structure and function of membrane proteins: applications into drug design'
  130. 5. 'Scientists determine structure of brain receptor implicated in epilepsy and PMT' http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/media/releases/2008/080307_brain_epilepsy_pmt.html
  131. 6. 'Discovery raises hopes of drug for PMT' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/03/10/npmt110.xml


  133. Journal of Physical Chemistry
  134. Analytical Chemistry
  135. Current Biotechnology
  136. Journal of Cell Science
  137. Biophysical Journal
  138. Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology
  139. Experimental Cell Research
  140. Sample Preparation


  142. Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO, Belgium.
  143. University of Antwerp Research Council, University Research Fund (BOF, Concerted Research Project), Belgium.
  144. Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK.
  145. Instruct Integrating Biology, EU.
  146. Fondecyt Regular, Chile
  147. Fondecyt Iniciación, Chile


  149. Study Section Member at the Biology Group 3, Fondecyt, CONICYT, Chile, 2013-2015.


  151. 'Symposium on Structural Biology and Nanophysiology', Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 10-12 December 2014.
  152. 'First Chilean Symposium on Structural Biology', Centro de Extensión, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 3-5 April 2013.


  154. 1. Member of the Doctorate Committee in the Physiology PhD Program, P. Universidad Católica de Chile, 11/2013-present.
  155. 2. Member of the Biochemistry Committee in the Biochemistry Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Biological Sciences, P. Universidad Católica de Chile, 04/2013-present.


  157. Graduate students
  158. 1. Lecturer at the Course 'Methods in Structural Biology'. Bio4208, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Second Semester 2010-2012, P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
  159. 2. Lecturer at the Course 'Biophysics'. Faculty of Biological Sciences, First Semester 2013, P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
  160. 3. Lecturer at the Course 'Cellular Communication'. Faculty of Biological Sciences, First Semester 2014-2015,
  161. P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
  162. 4. Lecturer at the Course 'Molecular and Cellular Basis of Neuroscience'. Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, First Semester 2011-2015, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile.
  163. 5. Lecturer at the Course 'Structural Techniques to study single molecules'. Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, First Semester 2012-2015, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
  164. Undergraduate students
  165. 1. Lecturer at the Course 'Physical Basis of Biological Processes' Bio152C, Faculty of Biological Sciences (100 students, First Semester 2010-2015), P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
  166. 2. Lecturer at the Course 'Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics II' Bio266E Faculty of Biological Sciences (30 students, Second Semester 2015), P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
  167. 3. Lecturer at the Course 'Topics in Biochemistry' Bio101B Faculty of Biological Sciences (30 students, First Semester 2015), P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
  168. 4. Lecturer at the Course 'Cellular Engineering' Bio166, Faculty of Biological Sciences (20 students, First Semester 2010-2011), P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
  169. 5. Lecturer at the Course 'Structure and Function of Cells and Tissues' Bio307, Faculty of Biological Sciences (10 students, Second Semester 2011-2013),
  170. P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
  171. 6. Co-Supervisor of NST Part II Pharmacology/Part II Neuroscience research project (2 students; Lent Term 2007). University of Cambridge, UK.
  172. 7. Demonstrator in the 'Mechanisms of Drug Actions' course (Michaelmas Term 2006). Department of Pharmacology. University of Cambridge, UK.
  173. 8. Co-Supervisor of NST Part II Pharmacology/Part II Neuroscience research project (3 students; Lent Term 2006). University of Cambridge, UK.
  174. 9. Demonstrator in the 'Mechanisms of Drug Actions' course (Michaelmas Term 2005). Department of Pharmacology. University of Cambridge, UK.
  175. 10. Co-Supervisor of NST Part II Pharmacology/Part II Neuroscience research project (3 students; Lent Term 2005). University of Cambridge, UK.
  176. 11. Demonstrator in the 'Mechanisms of Drug Actions' course (Michaelmas Term 2004). Department of Pharmacology. University of Cambridge, UK.
  177. 12. Teaching assistant in the 'Cellular engineering' course (2000-2003). Department of Physiology. P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
  178. 13. Demonstrator in the 'Experimental work in Physiology' course (2000-2003). Department of Physiology. P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
  179. 14. Teaching assistant in the 'Cellular and molecular biology of the cell' course. (1998). Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology. P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
  180. 15. Demonstrator in the 'Microbiology' course. (1997). Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology. P. Universidad Católica de Chile.


  182. 1. Alveal, N., Huidobro‐Toro, J.P., Navarrete, C., Barrera, N.P. (2015). Structural insights on the rP2X4 receptor cannel allosteric activation by alfaxolone from electrophysiology
  183.     to molecular dynamics simulations. Congreso Conjunto XI Reunión Anual Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia, XXX Reunión Anual Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias Fisiológicas, XXXVII Congreso Anual
  184.     Sociedad de Farmacología de Chile. Coquimbo, Chile.
  185. 2. Montenegro, F., Barrera, M., Torres, S., Barrera, N.P. (2015). Combining mass spectrometry, in silico collision.induced dissociation and molecular dynamics simulations to analyze
  186.     intact membrane proteins under vacuum. XXXVIII Reunión Anual Sociedad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Chile. Puerto Varas, Chile.
  187. 3. Soto, P., Barrera, N.P. (2015). Determination of the physical interaction and stoichiometry of 5-HT3A/B and P2X2 receptors complex. XXXVIII Reunión Anual Sociedad de Bioquímica y
  188.     Biología Molecular de Chile. Puerto Varas, Chile.
  189. 4. Gomez, A., Barrera, N.P. (2015). Development of a coupled Deacetylase-Demethylase enzymatic assay. XXXVIII Reunión Anual Sociedad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Chile.
  190.     Puerto Varas, Chile.
  191. 5. Droguett, K., Rios, M., Navarrete, C., Fuentes, C., Barrera, N.P., Villalon, M. (2015). Basal ciliary activity depends on atp release in mouse tracheal epithelial cells in vitro. Congreso
  192.     Conjunto XI Reunión Anual Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencia, XXX Reunión Anual Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias Fisiológicas, XXXVII Congreso Anual Sociedad de Farmacología de Chile.
  193.     Coquimbo, Chile.
  194. 6. Huidobro-Toro, J.P., Alveal, N., Navarrete, C., Barrera, N.P. (2014). Novel insights on the allosteric mechanism of alfaxolone interaction with rP2X4 receptor opening, lessons from
  195.     structural biology analysis. 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC, USA.
  196. 7. Huidobro-Toro, J.P., Alveal, N., Navarrete, C., Barrera, N.P. (2014). Structural analysis of the P2X4 receptor reveals insights of the mechanism of allosteric regulation by alfaxolone.
  197.     Purines 2014 - Nucleotides, Nucleosides and Nucleobases - International Conference on Signalling, Drugs and Targets. Bonn, Germany
  198. 8. Navarrete, C., Villar, J., Aguilar, Y., Cabrera, R., Barrera, N.P. (2014). Atomic force microscopy imaging reveals structural and mechanical properties of dissociated hemocyanins by
  199.     temperature. 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco, USA.
  200. 9. Naulin, P., Liu, Y., Harris, A.L., Contreras, J.E., Barrera, N.P. (2014). Structural studies of heteromeric connexin26/30 hemichannels via atomic force microscopy imaging. 58th Annual
  201.     Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco, USA.
  202. 10. Naulin, P., Liu, Y., Harris, A., Contreras, J.E. and Barrera, N.P. (2013). Structural studies of the connexin 26/30 hemichannels via atomic force microscopy imaging. XII PABMB
  203.       Congress, Puerto Varas, Chile.
  204. 11. Soto, P., Naulin, P. and Barrera, N.P. (2013). Determination of the stoichiometry of interacting 5-HT3A and P2X2 receptors by atomic force microscopy. XII PABMB Congress,
  205.       Puerto Varas, Chile.
  206. 12. Santander, E. and Barrera, N.P. (2013). Adsorption of multi-protein complexes characterized by atomic force microscopy imaging and nanomechanical simulations. XII PABMB
  207.       Congress, Puerto Varas, Chile.
  208. 13. Montenegro, F., Barrera, M., Robinson C. and Barrera N.P. (2013). Computational methods to analyse the release of membrane proteins from detergent micelles in the gas phase.
  209.       XII PABMB Congress, Puerto Varas, Chile
  210. 14. Alveal, N., Navarrete, C., Coddou, C., Escalona, Y., Perez-Acle, T., Stojilkovic, S.,HuidobroToro, J. and Barrera, N.P. (2013). Modulation of P2X4 receptors by Alfaxalone, studied
  211.       via Molecular Dynamic Simulations. XII PABMB Congress, Puerto Varas, Chile.
  212. 15. Montenegro, F., Barrera, M., Alveal, N., Cantero, J., Brugues, G. and Barrera, N.P. (2013). Combined mass spectrometry and molecular dynamics to study membrane protein stability
  213.       in gas phase. 57th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Philadelphia, USA.
  214. 16. Montenegro, F., Barrera, M., Wang, S., Cantero, J., Isaacson, S., Robinson, C. and Barrera, N.P. (2012). Release of intact membrane proteins from detergent micelles under vacuum:
  215.       combining experimental and in silico collision-induced dissociation. 60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Vancouver, Canada.
  216. 17. Barrera, M., Montenegro, F. and Barrera, N.P. (2012). Single molecule cross-talk transferred from a molecular event to an organ function. 56th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical
  217.       Society, San Diego, USA.
  218. 18. Montenegro, F. and Barrera, N.P. (2011). Release of membrane proteins from detergent micelles in solution and gas phase. XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Chilean Society for
  219.       Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Valdivia, Chile.
  220. 19. Montecinos, A., Barrera, M., Montenegro, F., Torres, S. and Barrera, N.P. (2011). Probabilistic method to analyze stability of membrane proteins in the gas phase. XXXIV Annual
  221.       Meeting of the Chilean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Valdivia, Chile.
  222. 20. Alveal, N., Brugues, G. and Barrera, N.P. (2011). Lipid binding effect on membrane proteins inserted in bilayers and bound to detergent micelles. XXXIV Annual Meeting of the
  223.       Chilean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Valdivia, Chile.
  224. 21. Wang, S.C., Politis, A., Barrera, N.P. and Robinson C.V. (2011). Ion mobility mass spectrometry of membrane protein complexes. Biochemical Society Annual Symposium: Recent
  225.       Advances in Membrane Biochemistry. Cambridge, UK.
  226. 22. Politis, A., Zhou, M., Barrera, N.P. and Robinson, C.V. (2011). Computational Modeling of the intact ATPase. Biochemical Society Annual Symposium: Recent Advances in
  227.       Membrane Biochemistry. Cambridge, UK.
  228. 23. Barrera, M.J., Wang, S., Politis, A., Isaacson, S., Montenegro, F., Zhou, M., Robinson, C.V. and Barrera, N.P. (2010). Physicochemical and structural aspects of the release of
  229.       native membrane proteins from micelles in vacuum. Society for Cell Biology XXIV Annual Meeting, Pucón, Chile.
  230. 24. Zhou, M., Barrera, N.P., Morgner, N. and Robinson, C.V. (2010). V-type ATPases: what can we learn from mass spectrometry?. 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry,
  231.       Salt Lake City, USA.
  232. 25. Robinson, C.V., Zhou, M., Matak Vinkovic, D., Morgner, N., Isaacson, S. and Barrera, N.P. (2009). Micelles protect ATP synthases from solution to gas phase and reveal novel
  233.       protein interactions in membrane embedded subunits. 57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry, Philadelphia, USA.
  234. 26. Isaacson, S.C., Barrera, N.P., Zhou, M., Matak-Vinkovic, D. and Robinson, C.V. (2009). Mass spectrometry of integral membrane transporters from detergent micelles reveals
  235.       their stoichiometry and interactions. 57th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry. Philadelphia, USA.
  236. 27. Barrera, N.P. and Robinson, C.V. (2008). Mass Spectrometry reveals the stoichiometry of multimeric membrane complexes. The 22nd Symposium of the Protein Society,
  237.       San Diego, USA.
  238. 28. Barrera, N.P. (2007). Physicochemical properties of interacting transduction pathways. An Isaac Newton Institute Workshop in 'Effective Computational Methods for Highly
  239.       Oscillatory Problems: The Interplay between Mathematical Theory and Applications' workshop, Cambridge, UK.
  240. 29. Barrera, N.P. (2007). Mechanisms of adsorption of multi-protein complexes. IX Annual Linz Winter Workshop on Advances in Single-Molecule Research for Biology &
  241.       Nanoscience, Austria.
  242. 30. Barrera, N.P. (2006). Atomic force microscopy reveals the stoichiometry and subunit arrangement of 5-HT3 receptors. House of Commons' Receptions. Set for Britain. London, UK.
  243. 31. Barrera, N.P. (2006). Investigation of the architecture of 5-HT3 receptors using atomic force microscopy imaging. VIII Annual Linz Winter Workshop on Advances in Single-Molecule
  244.       Research for Biology & Nanoscience, Austria.
  245. 32. Barrera, N.P., Ormond S.J., Henderson, R.M., Murrell-Lagnado, R.D. and Edwardson J.M. (2005). Atomic force microscopy reveals a role for the N-terminus in the control of P2X6
  246.       receptor assembly. British Pharmacological Society Meeting, Cambridge, UK.
  247. 33. Torres S., Barrera, N.P. and Villalon, M. (2004). A Class of Skew-distributions: Theory and Applications in Biology. IX Latin American Congress on Probability and Mathematical
  248.       Statistics. Punta del Este, Uruguay.
  249. 34. Barrera, N.P., Torres, S., Morales, B. and Villalon, M. (2003). Membrane IP3 receptordependent Ca2+ influx is augmented by protein kinase A in the synergism of the ciliary
  250.       beat frequency increase induced by ATP and adenosine.Workshop of Calcium Release and Cellular Calcium Signaling Domains, Marbella, Chile.
  251. 35. Barrera, N.P. and Torres, S. (2003). Prediction of synergistic responses using Forward Stochastic Differential Equations.I Congress of Stochastic Analysis, Valparaíso, Chile.
  252. 36. Barrera, N.P., Torres, S., Morales, B. and Villalon, M. (2003). Membrane IP3 receptor is mediator of the synergism between ATP and adenosine on the ciliary beat.III Congress
  253.       of the Federation of European Physiological Societies, Nice, France.
  254. 37. Barrera, N.P. and Villalon, M. (2002) Intracellular and plasma membrane IP3 receptors regulate the ciliary activity. (Abstract) Biol Res 35 (3-4): R-67. XLV Annual Meeting of the
  255.       Chilean Society of Biology. R-67. Puyehue, Chile.
  256. 38. Barrera, N.P. and Torres, S. (2002). The biophysical basis of the synergistic responses: understanding and predicting. III Congress of Biomathematics of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  257. 39. Barrera N.P., Torres S. and Villalon, M. (2002) Predicting the synergism in biophysical systems. Participation on the Congress "Opportunities in Biology for Physicists", organized
  258.       by The American Physical Society. Boston, USA.
  259. 40. Barrera, N.P., Morales, B. and Villalon M. (2002). Synergism on ciliary activity induced by ATP and adenosine depends on a reciprocal modulation of their transduction pathways.
  260.       Biophys J. 82: 221a-222a. 46th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
  261. 41. Barrera, N.P., Torres, S. and Villalon, M. (2002). A physical chemistry theory of synergism on ciliated cell motility. Biophys J. 82: 483a. 46th Biophysical Society Annual
  262.       Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
  263. 42. Barrera, N.P. and Villalon, M. (2001). A synergistic response on ciliary activity induced by ATP and adenosine depends on a reciprocal modulation of their transduction pathways.
  264.       International Workshop "Signals transduction in Biomedicine". Pucón, Chile.
  265. 43. Barrera, N.P. and Villalon, M. (2001). Arachidonic acid is a mediator of the increase on ciliary activity induced by PAF in hamster oviductal epithelium. (Abstract).
  266.       Biol Reprod 64: 213. XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. 213P, Ottawa, Canada.
  267. 44. Barrera, N.P. Hermoso, M. and Villalon, M. (2001). PAF activate mechanisms of paracrine and autocrine pathways with the oviductal epithelium. (Abstract). Reprod. Clim.
  268.       16: 21P. XVII Annual Meeting of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores en Reproducción Humana (ALIRH). 21-P. Curitiba, Brasil.
  269. 45. Barrera, N.P., Morales, B. and Villalon, M. (2000). Transduction mechanisms associated with activation of P1 and P2 purinoceptors in oviductal ciliated cells: functional cross-talk
  270.       between both pathways. (Abstract). J. Physiol. (Lond) 523: 35P. The Physiological Society, Joint Meeting with the Chilean Society of Physiological Sciences. 221-P. Pucón, Chile.


  272. 1. Intact membranes proteins released from detergent micelles under vacuum: combining IMS/MS, in silico collision-induced dissociation and molecular dynamics simulations. (2015).
  273.     Analytical Symposium "Advances in Ion Mobility Separations". International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, December 15-20, Honolulu, USA.
  274. 2. Membrane proteins and living cells: insights from force and mass spectrometry. (2015). Symposium "Recent Advances on the Role of Membrane Proteins on Normal Physiology and
  275.     Disease" Chilean Society for Cell Biology, XXIX Annual Meeting, 28th October, Puerto Varas, Chile.
  276. 3. Membrane proteins and living cells: insights from force and mass spectrometry. (2015). International Spring Postgraduate Course, Universidad de Concepción, 30th October,
  277.     Concepción, Chile.
  278. 4. Biomechanical properties of macromolecules: Insights from solution and gas phase experiments. (2015). CiSNe Summer Symposium in Biophysics and Neurobiology. "From single
  279.     molecules to complex multicellular organisms". January 06-09, Valdivia, Chile.
  280. 5. Biomechanical properties of macromolecules: Insights from solution phase experiments. (2014). Symposium on "Mechano-Biology; New Paradigms for the 21st Century"
  281.     Santiago, Chile.
  282. 6. Nano-Physiology: How Structural Biology Meets Cellular Physiology. (2013). University of Oxford, UK.
  283. 7. Nano-Physiology: How Structural Biology Meets Cellular Physiology. (2013). Rutgers University, USA.
  284. 8. Membrane protein-lipid binding: Insights from mass spectrometry and molecular simulations. (2013). Symposium at the XII PABMB Congress, Puerto Varas, Chile.
  285. 9. Mass spectrometry of membrane proteins. (2013). Symposium at the SOBLA-Annual Chilean Society of Neuroscience Joint Meeting, Valparaíso, Chile.
  286. 10. Mass spectrometry of membrane proteins: from proteomics to intact complexes. (2012). Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics. University of
  287.     British Columbia. Canada.
  288. 11. Lipids and ATP synthases: Role of lubricants in the function of nanomolecular machines. (2012). Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
  289. 12. Lipids and ATP synthases: Role of lubricants in the function of nanomolecular machines. (2011). Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile.
  290. 13. Nano-Physiology: From the molecule to the clinical treatment. (2011). 80th Anniversary of the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, P. Universidad
  291.     Católica de Chile, Chile.
  292. 14. Intact Membrane Proteins identified by Mass Spectrometry. (2011). XXVI Annual Meeting of the Chilean Society for Physiological Sciences, Panimávida, Chile.
  293. 15. Advances in the Mass Spectrometry of Membrane Proteins. (2011). VII Annual Meeting of the Chilean Society for Neuroscience, Santa Cruz, Chile.
  294. 16. Mass Spectrometry as a New Structural Method to Determine Small Molecule Binding to Intact Membrane Proteins. (2011). Department of Chemistry, University of
  295.       Antwerp, Belgium.
  296. 17. Mass Spectrometry as a New Structural Method to Determine Small Molecule Binding to Intact Membrane Proteins. (2011). Invited Speaker at the 2nd Annual International
  297.       Conference of Medicinal Chemistry, Beijing, China.
  298. 18. Mass Spectrometry to study the structure of membrane proteins. (2011). FONDAP Center, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
  299. 19. Mass Spectrometry for studying intact membrane protein structure. (2010). Invited Speaker at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, San Francisco, USA.
  300. 20. Development of new structural methods for studying membrane proteins. (2010). Center of Biomedical Research, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile.
  301. 21. Stochastic collisions between micelle embedded membrane proteins and gas molecules in vacuum. (2010). VIII Winter School of Stochastic Modeling and Applications.,
  302.      Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile.
  303. 22. Structural insights of the P2X receptors. (2010). Symposium: Summer Talks in Physiology, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,
  304.       Chile.
  305. 23. Molecular architecture of receptors and transporters by Atomic Force Microscopy and Mass Spectrometry. (2009). Symposium for Early Career Investigators in
  306.       Neuroscience and Biophysics, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile.s
  307. 24. Subunit stoichiometry and interactions of intact membrane protein complexes using mass spectrometry. (2009). Department of Physics, OXION,
  308.       University of Oxford, UK.
  309. 25. Identification of intact membrane protein complexes using Mass Spectrometry. (2008). Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK.
  310. 26. Determination of the stoichiometry of intact membrane protein complexes using Mass Spectrometry. (2008). Birkbeck College, University of London, UK.
  311. 27. Mechanisms of synergism on ciliary beat frequency induced by ATP and adenosine. (2007). Department of Physiology, University of Münster, Germany.
  312. 28. Investigation of the architecture of 5-HT3 receptors using atomic force microscopy imaging. (2005). Department of Pharmacology. University of Cambridge, UK.
  313. 29. Mechanism and modeling of synergism in cellular responses. (2005). 3rd Winter School of Stochastic Modeling and Applications. Center for Stochastic Modeling and
  314.       Random Phenomena. Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile.
  315. 30. Investigation of the stoichiometry of receptors by Atomic Force Microscopy imaging. (2005). Faculty of Sciences. Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile.
  316. 31. Studies of the architecture of ionotropic receptors using Atomic Force Microscopy. (2005). Department of Physiological Sciences. P. Universidad Católica de Chile,
  317.       Chile.
  318. 32. Plasma membrane IP3 receptors regulate the synergism between ATP and adenosine on ciliated cells. (2002). Faculty of Sciences. Universidad de Chile, Chile.
  319. 33. Biophysical basis of the synergistic responses: understanding and predicting. (2002). III Congress of Biomathematics of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  320. 34. A theoretical approach of the signals transduction pathways associated to G protein activation. (1999). Department of Physiological Sciences.
  321.       P. Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.


  323. 1. Biophysical Society, 2010-present
  324. 2. American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2012-present
  325. 3. Chilean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2011-present


  327. a) As Principal Investigator

  328. 1. 'Development of an integrated method to measure biomechanical properties of living cells and biomaterials: a new approach to evaluate biocompatibility'.
  329.      FONDEF IDeA-CONICYT. From December 2015 until December 2017. (USD $ 220,000)
  330. 2. 'Application of high-resolution mass spectrometry to potentiate interdisciplinary studies in proteomics, structural biology and biomedicine: from peptides
  331.      to intact macromolecular complexes'. FONDEQUIP-CONICYT. From November 2015 until November 2017. (USD $290,000)
  332. 3. 'High-speed analysis of cross-talk between neurotransmitter-gated channels'. UK Newton Fund-CONICYT International Cooperation Grant #20140080. From
  333.      January 2015 until October 2017. (USD $ 220,000)
  334. 4. 'Control and coordination of microvascular vasomotor tone by nitric oxide-dependent regulation of connexin- and pannexin-formed gap junction channels or
  335.      hemichannels'. FONDECYT Regular Grant #1150530. From March 2015 until February 2019. (Co-PI with Dr. Xavier Figueroa, PUC) (USD $ 290,000)
  336. 5. 'Single molecule pharmacology of P2X receptors by atomic force microscopy'. FONDECYT Regular Grant #1120169. From March 2012 until February 2016.
  337.      (USD $ 320,000)
  338. 6. 'The Membrane Protein Structural Biology Millennium Nucleus'. Millennium Science Initiative. From November 2011 until November 2014. (USD $ 900,000)
  339. 7. 'Dynamic multiprotein complexes-insights from mass spectrometry'. The Wellcome Trust Programme Grant #088150/Z/09/Z. From October 2009 until
  340.      October 2014. (Co-PI with Prof. Carol Robinson, University of Oxford). (USD $ 1,500,000)
  341. 8. 'Role of detergent micelles on the stoichiometry of intact membrane proteins in the gas phase'. FONDECYT Regular Grant #1100515. From March 2010
  342.      until February 2012. (USD $ 200,000)
  343. 9. 'Theoretical mechanisms of the detergent removal from membrane proteins in vacuum'. P. Universidad Católica de Chile Grant VRAID Inicio #36/2009.
  344.      From September 2009 until October 2010. (USD $ 8,000)
  345. 10. 'Mechanisms of synergism in ciliated cells'. FONDECYT Grant #2010120. From March 2001 until December 2003. (USD $ 20,000)

  346. b) As Associate Investigator

  347. 1. Nano-devices for high precision measurements in biology and nano structured materials for biomedicine. CONICYT Anillo Grant #1108. From
  348.     November 2012 until November 2015. (USD$ 840.000)


  350. 1. 'Self-evaluation of exams by undergraduate students'. FONDEDOC Grant, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. September 2011-March
  351.      2012 (USD $ 4,000)
  352. 2. 'Application of active methodologies in teaching/learning activities'. FONDEDOC Grant, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. September
  353.      2013-June 2014 (USD $ 4,000)


  355. Gonzalo Brugues, Bioinformatics Engineering thesis undergraduate student, 03/2011-09/2012
  356. Christian Fuentes, Biochemistry thesis undergraduate student, 09/2013-12/2014
  357. Ignacio Gonzalez, Biology undergraduate student, 09/2013-12/2014
  358. Martin Carcamo, Engineering undergraduate student, 05/2010-12/2010
  359. Natalia Alveal, Bioinformatics Engineer, Research Assistant, 03/2012-05/2015
  360. Jorge Cantero, Biologist, Lab Manager, 06/2013-present
  361. Mario Barrera, Informatics Engineer, Research Assistant, 03/2010-present
  362. Felipe Montenegro, Bioinformatics Engineer, Research Assistant 10/2010-present
  363. Eduardo Santander, Biochemistry Thesis undergraduate student, 03/2013-03/2015
  364. Camila Cardenas, Biochemistry Thesis undergraduate student, 03/2014-present
  365. Gabriel Olguin, Bioinformatics Engineering thesis undergraduate student, 09/2014-present
  366. Paola Soto, PhD thesis student, Physiology Program, PUC, 09/2014-present
  367. Camilo Navarrete, CONICYT PhD thesis student, Physiology Program, PUC, 06/2015-present
  368. Luisa León, CONICYT PhD thesis student, Physiology Program, PUC, 07/2015-present
  369. Dr. Pamela Naulin, FONDECYT Postdoctoral Fellow, 11/2015-present
  370. Dr. Pablo Gaete, FONDECYT Postdoctoral Fellow, 11/2015-present
  371. Dr. Karla Droguett, FONDECYT Postdoctoral Fellow, 11/2014-present
  372. Dr. Mathieu Lafourcade, Postdoctoral Fellow, 08/2012-05/2015
  373. Dr. Andrea Gomez, FONDECYT Postdoctoral Fellow, 11/2013-present
  374. Dr. Gean Carlos Arteaga, PUC Postdoctoral Fellow, 12/2013-12/2014
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